How to Create Step By Step Tutorials

SEP 8, 2021

One of the most popular types of content you’ll create for your business is

“how to” content. This content includes your step-by-step articles, tutorials

and similar guides.

Your first step (which is true of all of these content types) is to make sure

you’re creating something that your audience really wants.

Once you’ve confirmed that with your market research (which is outside

the scope of this course), then you can use the following steps to create

your content.

Here’s an overview:

Step 1: Determine Your Goal

Step 2: Detail Your Outline

Step 3: Develop Your Content

Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps…

Step 1: Determine Your Goal

Before you even think about creating your how-to article or guide, you need

to figure out what your goal is. For this step, you’ll want to consider the


1. What do you want your readers to LEARN? This is going to be the step by-step process you teach. This is where you offer real help to your audience.

2. What do you want your readers to DO? This is what you want your

readers to do when they reach the end of your content. This is where

you encourage and equip your audience to make progress.

Here are some of the common actions you might want readers to take:

• Apply what they just learned.

• Read a related piece of content.

• Watch a related video.

• Purchase a related offer.

• Sign up for a related webinar.

• Share your content.

• Request a free offer and join a list.

• Fill out a form.

For example, you might want your readers to LEARN how to teach their dog to sit, and when they get to the end of your content you might want them to click on a link and watch a demonstration video.

It’s important to define these two things up front, as they’re going to drive the development of your content.

Step 2: Detail Your Outline

Now that you know what you want your readers to learn and do, your nexts step is to start creating your outline. Since you’re sharing how-to content, you’ll organize the content in a chronological, step-by-step format.

In addition to sharing the steps of a process, you can also add value to the

content by sharing:

• Tips

• Mistakes

• Dos and don’ts

• Templates

• Questions

• Examples

For example, your outline might look like this:

A. Introduction

B. Step 1

• Details on how to complete Step 1

• Examples

• Tips for making it easier to complete this step

C. Step 2

• Details on how to complete Step 2

• Examples

• Questions to ask oneself before completing this step

D. Step 3

• Details on how to complete Step 3

• Examples

• Mistakes to avoid

E. Conclusion

TIP: The time you invest now in creating a detailed outline will keep your tutorial more focused and useful, plus it makes it quicker and easy for you to write the content.

As you’re developing your outline, keep these key points in mind:

Brainstorm Talking Points

You can start developing your outline by brainstorming all the steps, tips,

examples, mistakes and other talking points. In other words, start with

what you know about the process, being sure to include any unique tips or

ideas to make your content stand out from similar pieces in your market.

Research the Process

Next, you want to research talking points so that you don’t overlook

anything important. You can generate ideas by looking at:

• Bestselling infoproducts.

• Tables of contents of popular infoproducts.

• Sales pages for popular infoproducts.

• Blog posts on the topic.

• Social media posts on the topic.

• Academic journals (see

IMPORTANT: Be sure that you’re merely gathering IDEAS and not copying

anyone’s content.

Point Towards the CTA

You need to develop your content so that it naturally points to your call to

action (CTA) at the end.

Example #1: If you want people to purchase an offer from you, then

you might create something that’s “useful yet incomplete.” The

content is useful in that it solves part of a problem, yet incomplete so

that you have an opportunity to sell a related offer. You offer free help

in the content and then offer additional paid help that further explains

or enhances the free content.

Example #2: If your goal is to simply get people to take action on

what you’re sharing, then be sure to offer detailed content with plenty

of tips and examples so that your readers can replicate the process.

At the conclusion of your content, give them suggestions for specific

steps they can take to put the information into practice.

Now the last step…

Step 3: Develop Your Content

If you created a fairly detailed outline, then it will be relatively quick and

easy to create the content itself. Keep these two tips in mind…

Craft Engaging Content

Your content will be more useful if it’s engaging and keeps people interested and reading until the last word. To that end, follow these tips:

• Tell relevant stories to connect with readers on a personal level.

• Inject humor to engage people, but do so sparingly.

• Build anticipation at the beginning for what’s coming.

• Add value with tips, examples, infographics, etc.

• Offer something unique (stories, case studies, tips, examples, etc.).

• Share your content in a new way, such as by creating a “formula” around your how to process, or by using alliteration.

NOTE: This lesson is an example of a tutorial using alliteration

for each major step (determine, detail, develop).

• Develop your own unique writing voice, and offer a fresh take on

the process whenever possible.

• Format the content for easy readability (e.g., be sure there is

plenty of white space).

Make your content scannable by emphasizing the most important

parts with subheadlines, bolding, italics, bulleted lists, Johnson

boxes, graphics and similar elements that draw in the reader’s eye.

NOTE: Crafting engaging content is one of the big keys to becoming a

successful infoproduct creator and/or content marketer. That’s why I highly

recommend you check out , which will teach you

the finer points of creating content that your audience is sure to love!


Create a Compelling Title

Your title is going to help people decide whether to read your tutorial, so be

sure to create an appealing, benefit-driven title that makes your audience

believe that you really will help them. And then really help them with your



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Now it’s…

Your Turn

Your assignment for this lesson is to define your goal and create your outline

for your next piece of how-to content. Then be sure to set time aside in your

schedule to complete the research and writing.

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